In our first year One Track Mine has released hundreds of original articles covering everything from hip hop to Rachel Dolezal, with stops along the way for meals, carnivals, Syrian refugees, racial injustice, and a myriad of other topics. We’ve had about 95,000 page-views since we started counting in February. Not bad for a bunch of New Yorkers that started from scratch.
The five articles below were our most popular of 2015, with roughly ten thousand page-views between them. Thanks to everyone that supported us this year. In 2016 we look forward to providing the same kind of insightful and/or absurd commentary you’ve come to expect from us.
5. Five Comic Book Storylines Perfect For Justice League Movie Part 1 by Fortune5
“Kingdom Come is the best-selling graphic novel from acclaimed writer Mark Waid, winner of five Eisner and Harvey Awards. This epic tale of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes would go great with the dark realistic tone set in the Man of Steel and the upcoming Batman V Superman movie. The story of the retirement of the older generation of superheroes and the lack of morals of a new generation is great movie material. This tale has Superman retired on a farm after becoming disillusioned with humans.”

4. Five Worst Billy Joel Songs by MC Krispy E
“At number one is this utterly useless track. It’s like he gave up using real instruments and tossed his song writing credentials out the window. In full disclosure, the fact that this (terrible) video was filmed on Staten Island and referenced It’s a Wonderful Life was something of a thrill for my 15 year old self. Yet, it’s an anti-suicide song that manages to sound more like a Depends commercial.”
3. You Only Live Twice (YOLT) / Did I Really Just Die?! by Crazed Afrykan
“For those of you who may not be familiar with the details of my personal life, I died a few weeks ago. That’s me in the picture just hanging out in an induced coma. You see, my heart stopped beating on the basketball court and I went into cardiac arrest. My dad had also suffered from massive cardiac arrest at age 45 but I had no idea I would beat him by six years and have one @ 39. He unfortunately did not have the luxury of dying twice.”

2. Top 5 Underrated Pink Floyd Albums by MC Krispy E
“The 23 minute Echoes pings into existence from the primordial ooze like a half remembered dream. The Floyd take their time, some say self-indulgently, between movements, but there’s a song to be found inside with heavy lyrics about empathy. It gets a little funky in a 70s skin-flick kinda way before some free improv and one heroic finale. Echoes becomes a template for how the Floyd tell a story going forward.”
1. Google Cardboard : The Poor-Man’s Virtual Reality by Brian Szabo
“Then there’s the porn. After seeing a YouTube video of people reacting to watching VR porn, I had to check it out. Strictly for educational purposes of course. I found some movie samples and prepared to get my mind blown or at least the Weird Science version of Kelly LeBrock. Instead what I got was a frightening tattooed man on top of me beating my newly acquired vagina like it ate the last of the Nutella.”