Directed by Steven Caple Jr. and written by Sylvester Stallone and Cheo Hodari Coker, Creed II is a sequel to Creed (2015) and the eighth installment...
My God, what did I just witness? Let me start off by saying I haven’t been close to thrilled by any Jurassic Park movie since the...
When I originally saw the trailer for this film I knew what to expect. This wasn’t going to be the run-of-the-mill horror movie that would rely...
This was a beast of a movie. I want to credit writer/director Taylor Sheridan for being one of the best up and coming Directors of the...
Action, Adventure, Comedy May 2018 Director: David Leitch 20th Century Fox 1 hour 59 minutes Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way; Marvel is...