5. Altered Carbon, based on Richard K. Morgan’s 2002 cyberpunk sci-fi novel of the same name, is a complicated ultraviolent new Netflix series dripping with sex...
5. This show is based on a best selling dystopian novel by Margaret Atwood. Set in a totalitarian society after a religiously backed American coup, the...
5. The ex-Marine Frank Castle has been re-written to be a Afghan vet who has finished his killing spree against the men who murdered his family....
5. The writing on this show is what sets it apart from anything else on television. Complex plotting and references to hacking has brought this show...
5. Angela arrests Ghost at his nightclub Truth for the murder of her ex-federal agent/ex-lover Greg Knox. Will she found out who is really responsible for...
1.THE WRITER Charlie Brooker has been mastering his brand of visual horror on British TV since 2011. His ability to imagine the nightmare possibilities when tech...
5. Snowden, tells the story of the now famous NSA contractor turned whistle blower and fugitive that leaked documents revealing America is actually one of the most advanced surveillance...
5. If you ever wanted an updated look into Italy’s present-day Mafia, Gomorrah, like the 2008 film, is based on a nonfiction book by Roberto Saviano....
5. Season One left of with Colombian President CĂ©sar Gaviriaâs (RaĂșl MĂ©ndez) unleashing his soldiers and DEA agents Steve Murphy (Boyd Holbrook) and Javier Peña (Pedro...
5. If you didn’t like Glee or hate the stereotypical ghetto characters found on Empire, Baz Luhrmann‘s new Netflix series is a happy medium. Anyone familiar...