5. JLA:World War III The superweapon Mageddon arrives and threatens the entire universe, and it’s up to the JLA to stop it. This would be an...
5. JLA : Year One Well known writers Mark Waid (Kingdom Come), Barry Kitson (Legion of Super-Heroes) and Brian Augustyn (Crimson) re-imagine the original JLA in modern...
Click below to hear the author read this post on our SoundCloud. And yes, we know these albums aren’t underrated by true fans. Pink Floyd sold...
For those of you who may not be familiar with the details of my personal life, I died a few weeks ago. That’s me in the...
Google Cardboard started as a tongue-in-cheek response to the expensive Oculus Rift Virtual Reality headgear. Like a smartass, Google said the same experience could be provided...
With this year’s Carnival season in Trinidad & Tobago coming to an end and many of us taking that pilgrimage home, a time of reflection will inevitably present...
I’ve been debating lately as to why women wear revealing clothing to attract attention, then shun the attention once received. I never understood why some women...