Despite the ominous title of this post, this is not a terrorist threat against your life. If you don’t take this post seriously however, it may result in the loss of life one hour at a time, so maybe I should’ve written it using block letters cut out of a magazine.
We’ve often heard the old adage “Time is money.” The adage should be rewritten to read “Time costs money.” Time is either making you money or costing you money, so if time is our most valued asset (and it is), how do you spend your time daily?
On average, we only have about five hours a day to live our lives outside of work to sleep and do few menial tasks. If you have children, are a workaholic, or commute more than 2 hours a day, congrats, you have even less time to live. And if you’re living for the weekend, it may be the equivalent of starving yourself all week then trying to catch up by binge eating on Sat & Sun. Doesn’t sound prudent now does it? If you aren’t part of the lucky few who enjoy your job, that means you will need an activity that injects eight hours of positive energy just to achieve any sort of emotional balance. So if you’re wondering why you may be unhappy and unbalanced at times, it may literally translate to the amount of physical time spent injecting happiness back into your life.
Most of us believe that all we need to even the playing field would be the winning Powerball ticket and we would be able to level-set our time deficiency. Let’s put that to the test. To quickly assess your potential asset management skills, just use the one simple asset everyone already has equal amounts of; TIME.
Is the time spent watching Scandal every Thursday night cost effective? Is it earning you revenue? Does it really make you happy or are you simply killing time and, by virtue of extension, killing yourself? If you’re Kerri Washington, then Scandal is truly enriching your existence. If not, then most likely not.
Does the redemptive value of suspense-laden entertainment trump that potential research and development time for your dream start-up? It truly depends on what standards you’ve set for your desired quality of life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with television indulgences or whatever else you chose to spend your time doing. There is something wrong with doing so while complaining about not having enough time to accomplish your goals. It’s called misappropriation of assets and like most businesses who engage is that practice, you will may soon be left bankrupt or barely afloat.
Time is money and opportunity cost, so maybe you just haven’t invested enough time in yourself yet. Change your standard and you may eventually have the benefit of changing your standards.