Remember back in the day when hip hop was real and rappers were good and ….STOP right there. This will not be another article about how...
Ahhhh. Campaigning season is upon us. It’s that time of the year when a few dozen bullshit artists whip out their brushes and paint a picture...
I have a big nose. My brother has a big nose. The next two statements should probably come as no surprise then. My mom has a...
Welcome to the Hood Pass Application Office and thank you for your application! With over 400 years of dedicated service to the Black and Caucasian communities...
The news broke like a Bristol Palin chastity vow. More accurately, I read a post on Facebook while on the crapper at work. Gay marriage was...
“Yo Son! I just blew shorty’s back out. I’m telling you, she won’t be able to walk for like a week! I tore it up! I...
You know, there’s nothing like traditions mixed with an ever-evolving society to constantly confuse roles and norms. At some point on the gender evolutionary timeline, men...
My muscles ache sometimes for no reason at all. Most nights I’m in bed before 9 p.m. I watch CBS Sunday Morning and consider Charles Osgood...
If you walked into a pizzeria and asked for a hamburger, the workers would look at you like you weren’t wrapped too tight. After all, most...
There’s something very unsettling to me about a couple that share a Facebook profile. Why? I can’t quite put my finger on it. What I do...