Like a lot of 6 year olds, my daughter Maddy has a very particular bedtime routine. Maddy’s is a little more routine and a lot more...
Modern day American Christmas is unfortunately saddled with a common modern day American gift: War. More specifically, the “War on Christmas.” (Fox News) The war is fought...
So let me get this straight. According to Facebook and social media this week: Obama has been weak on ISIS and is actually a Muslim himself,...
The news broke like a Bristol Palin chastity vow. More accurately, I read a post on Facebook while on the crapper at work. Gay marriage was...
Even though President Obama’s time in office is winding down, it seems that fact may come as a surprise to many Americans exercising their free speech...
Google Cardboard started as a tongue-in-cheek response to the expensive Oculus Rift Virtual Reality headgear. Like a smartass, Google said the same experience could be provided...