Janita’s newest album Here Be Dragons is another in a progression of finely crafted hymns for the empowered. Whether by love, as in the silky “I...
Jay Som’s Melina Duterte and Palehound’s Ellen Kempner join forces as Bachelor – a musical powerhouse whose new record Doomin’ Sun drops May 28th on Polyvinyl....
I’ve seen Terminator references used to argue against Artificial Intelligence, foreign movie clips used to “prove” the pandemic was a well executed plan and baseless clips...
Godzilla vs. Kong reminds me that I was an idiot as a child. I allowed the 4:30 Movie too significant a piece of my brain pie....
Now that Captain America is Black Bucky Barnes will change his name to Summer Soldier Buckquan because “Nah son! we ain’t doing sh*t in the winter!”...
Ten bullet points for your reading pleasure: Every single time the stock market crashed, it was done by the “professionals.” If a group of folk can...
Cartoonist Kayfabe is a YouTube channel hosted by comic-book makers Ed Piskor and Jim Rugg. Comics have come a long way since they were just for...
1. If a foreign government had pulled off what occurred on Capitol Hill last week, that nation would currently be a rubble laden parking lot, bombed...
Do me a favor, Open your fridge door and tell me if you have any insight into the regulation of those products and how they got...
Two men that look suspiciously alike meet outside a fictitious Brooklyn hot-spot – six feet apart. MC Krispy E: Very nice to meet you. (squints) Have...