“They’re lazy! They have no work ethic! They’re entitled! They want it all. They can’t even rap!” The consistent drone of the purveying masses these days seem to be that Millenials (the generation whose birth years range broadly from the early eighties through 2000) are ruining the beautiful planet and awesome foundation that we prior generations have laid out for them. As much as I champion individuality, this sentiment seems to reek of every middle age generation’s beliefs at the height of their hubris;
“Why is everyone around me flawed? I mean I’m not perfect but the people older than me ruined everything and the people younger than me don’t seem to have a clue how to sustain all that I’ve repaired. What is we gone do now? “
I get the feeling generations prior, who’ve endured much worse hardships than Gen X ever could imagine find our gripes to be both entertaining and utter nonsense.
Why exactly does Generation X think we are so awesome in the first place? We championed drug culture, consumption and consumerism. We want Millenials to be healthy but forced Big Macs down their throats. We want them to be happy but taught them that money is root of all salvation. We are genuinely upset at today’s rappers and their lyrical content but direct them to N.W.A. and B.I.G as a frames of reference for quality hip hop. Has there been any consideration to the notion that we paint future generations into a corner then chastise them for having to survive?
Secondly, and more importantly, aren’t Millenials either Gen Xer’s siblings or offspring? They are often made reference to like a meandering, misplaced tribe of Wildlings who wandered over the wall but in full disclosure, Millenials not only developed those traits we find so deplorable under our watch, we taught them everything they know! #Ilearneditbywatchingyou
What exactly did we think was going to happen when we constantly reinforced to future generations that they could be whatever they wanted? Or did we mean whatever they wanted provided it was what we thought they should be? Well that’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works. Carte Blanche means just that. Zero boundaries. You get to operate with impunity and immunity. And in order to truly believe you can be whatever you want in life, you have to develop a sense of confidence both merit based and imagined. And that my friends could be why these apathetic Millenials feel so entitled. In an effort to ensure they grew up with everything we never had, Generation X handed over the title without letting them do the deeds. Kinda hard to teach work ethic when you yourself aren’t doing the work now ain’t it?
It may make for great ego chow but it makes zero sense to mount your high horse and speak ill of the Millennial generation as though they are someone else’s kids and not ours. I guess it’s more fulfilling to say “look at that mistake” than to finish the sentence with “…that I helped cause.” The truth of the matter is although there are generational differences, it’s is the perceived divide that drives most misunderstandings and not any actual differences in desire. What further drives that wedge is the notion that we are somehow operating independent of the society that was left for us and that we have nurtured ourselves.