Fox’s new series, Empire, is a music-industry drama that’s being promoted as The Sopranos set in the world of hip-hop. Many critics – from the New York...
Spylight, a digital startup based in Los Angeles, helps viewers instantly find exact outfits or close matches to popular movie and television characters. In addition to...
The Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice director shared the first picture of the actor in costume via Twitter. It was the first time anyone aside...
The end of “Mad Men” looms closer, meaning its time to speculate about the fate of our favorite Sterling Cooper characters. The final seven episodes of...
1.Man From U.N.C.L.E. Rated:PG-13 (for action violence, some suggestive content, and partial nudity) Genre: Action & Adventure, Comedy Directed By: Guy Ritchie In Theaters: Aug 14,...
Love is an expensive business and nothing proves it better than Valentine’s Day. Few countries take February 14th as seriously as the United States and this...
The seminal ’80s gangsta rap group will get the Hollywood biopic treatment this summer. How far it’s come since it was banned from public libraries and...
With $42 million a year in endorsements alone and 18.7 million Twitter followers, the NBA star — and most powerful brand in sports — opens up...
The rumors, it turns out, are true. Sony’s Spider-Man movie franchise is going to get its second reboot in five years, but this time there’s an...