“True Detective” Season 2 is no longer just a hashtag, as the first official teaser trailer has arrived. In the dark and moody promo, Colin Farrell...
HBO has announced that the new comedy series “Ballers” will kick off a 10-episode season starting on Sunday, June 21, at 10pm (it’s a 30-minute show)....
Basquiat: The Unknown Notebooks Brooklyn Museum – Thru August 23 With related paintings and works on paper, discover over 150 pages of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s personal notebooks filled with sketches, observations...
Before PRIMA Cinema, only invited Hollywood insiders were able to view theatrically released films at home. No longer. PRIMA Cinema is the first premium entertainment company...
Apple TV and Cablevision customers are now able to follow the adventures of Khaleesi, Tyrion and the rest of the “Game of Thrones” crew without the...
The final trailer for Avengers: Age Of Ultron was released on Monday, full of all the action and quick wit fans have come to expect from...
The Freedom Party NYC Presents Q Tip Santos House Party 96 Lafayette – April 3rd New York’s longest running, weekly, classic hip-hop party features a guest DJ set from...
N.W.A’s early years can be seen in the latest trailer for Straight Outta Compton, the upcoming biopic that follows the legendary West Cost rap group’s fall...
A ton of Age of Ultron footage has been released over the past few months, and Marvel is still revealing tidbits here and there. A featurette...
Trusted Brands: Cey Adams Rush Arts Galleries – Through March 28th Hip-hop and graphics designer Cey Adams explores branding in contemporary culture with a series inspired by...